The Central Themes Of Social Work

By:NaKara Neely

A Commitment to Social Betterment- A belief that improving the quality of social interactions are important for everyone. Social workers feel that everyone should have assistance with meeting their social needs. In the field of social work, they have maintained a theory that the society is responsible to provide opportunities and resources that will allow each person in the society to have a great life. 

A Goal to Enhance Social Functioning- Social workers want to help individuals enhance their social functioning, which is helping people interact with people and other social things. Social workers help people adjust to the rapidly changing world. For example, technology explosions, population explosion, nuclear explosions, etc. These all can affect ones life. Those who can adapt to these changes are not limited by discrimination and usually don’t need the help of social workers, whereas other people who have been affected buy these changes need professional help to guide and help them.

An Action Orientation- In the field of social work they are not okay with just examining social issues, but they actually want to help hands on. They help with preventing many different situations from occurring, help with situations that can be changed, and also help with situations that can not be changed. In order to fulfill this, social workers provide different services such as social action, individual counseling, group therapy, etc to actually help take action and not just examine one’s social issues.

An Appreciation for Human Diversity- Social workers experience diversity with different clients, services and  knowledge and skills. Also, even social workers themselves are diverse. There is no specific way a social worker has to look, they have many different cultural backgrounds, races, ages, etc. Social workers think of diversity as something positive. In a social workers perspective they view human difference can be a positive light shown in society with different traditions, culture, and languages. Social workers also view their diversity as great too because they can be diverse when helping people with their needs.

A Versatile Practice Perspective- Social workers must have knowledge and different  techniques that can be used to meet needs of clients. Versatile social workers should know about the behavior of people and social institutions so that they can understand the client and what he/she is dealing with. Also, when putting off clients’ beliefs it can affect the way they interpret the situations and how they react too. Furthermore, social workers must have mastered many different helping techniques so that they can help different people, situations and communities improve their social well being.

With reading from my social work text book, called “Social Work: A Profession Of Many Faces”, I learned about the fives themes of social work and why they are important to society and even social workers themselves. This is important because social worker use these themes when assisting clients’ and if social workers did not have these themes then they wouldn’t have anything to rely on when helping clients' with their needs. This field of social work would be slightly chaotic without the central themes.

Works CitedSheafor, Bradford W., et al. Social Work: a Profession of Many Faces. Allyn & Bacon, 2012.


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