Different Fields of Social Work

By: NaKara Neely
Image result for youth social worker

Today, I will be sharing with you some of the different fields of social work.There are many different fields, but today I will talk about three, which are Geriatric, School, and Youth Services social work.

Geriatric Social Work 

  • Help the elderly and their families with their needs and their needs will get paid for 
  • Help them fill out paperwork 
  • Serve as discharge planners, making sure everything is set when the elderly patients are let out of the hospital 
  • Give therapy to the elderly who experience depression or anxiety
  • Assist older adults who are active and those who have taken the parental role again    

School Social Work 
  • Participate in special education and individual educational planning meetings
  •  Help children who are having problems at home that affect their well-being
  • Counsels students
  • Exposing the child and family to many resources to help the student be successful
  • Give them positive strategies to help with their behavior
Youth Services 
  • Form relationships with the child so that there are mutual understandings and bonds
  • Help children who are struggling with social skills, education and health issues
  • Help increases the youths confidence levels, so that they can address issues that are going on in their life
  • Provide support for youth who suffer from many difficulties
  • Give therapy to the child and family
  • Help the youth establish healthy relationships so that they can have a great start in adult hood
It is important to have different types of social workers so that every need can be fulfilled by different problems in our society. I learned about the different types of social work that I may consider going into, which all of them seem quite interesting. I also learned the specific tasks of each type of social work. I learned this information while reading on different websites online.



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