
Showing posts from October, 2017

Police Officer Safety and Performance

By Kendrick Tran Officers of the law face many different obstacles in their careers as police officer and some of which do not seem obvious when thinking about police safety. Officers face a variety of different situations ranging from stressful to outright dangerous situations and this can produce a toll on not only the physical well-being of an officer, but their mental capabilities too.  Some of the situations in particular are obvious, gun violence is always a possibility that can lead to permanent injury or even a death of a loved one. However, some dangers are subtle and hidden unless scrutinized closely. These dangers are mental stress, fatigue, and lack of training for a specific situation. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the dangers police officers face in their day to day lives protecting the peace. Source: The most obvious one of the bunch...

When Being A Social Worker Conflicts With Your Beliefs (Prompt 7)

By: NaKara Neely Being a social worker in a health clinic can be very hard sometimes, especially when your beliefs are against your field of work. For example, being a Christian social worker can cause conflict when you have a client who want's to abort their baby. One of the 10 commandments in the Bible states, "Thou shall not kill." Furthermore, you still have a job that you must do, so now what do you do? In an article called, "Personal Values:Professional Questions", it states that many social workers fear that they would be forced to condone people's behaviors and choices that a Christian would not condone. Many who encounter these issues talk to their agency supervisors or talk with a colleague. In antother article called, " Intergrating Christian Faith and Social Work Practice:How Do People Do it" writes, "Luadzers also stated that the m...

APA Style

How to Cite in the Field of Social Science By: Katy Fedurek The most common style to site resources in the field of social sciences is APA (American Psychology Association) style. How to Cite: Paraphrase the text (put it in your own words) and give credit to the author. Use quotation marks around the text that is copied word for word and give credit to the author. How to Recognize Plagiarism: Word-for-word: When you take seven or more words in a row from the original text and it is missing quotation marks, the fill-in text citation (including the details of the source including the author, date, and location) and the bibliographic reference. General APA Rules: Double spaced with one-inch margins on every side 12 point, Time New Roman font Include a page header at the top of every page (Make this by insert page numbers flush right. Next, type the title of your paper in all capital letters in the header flush left.) Title Page which includes: the title, author...

Prompt #9

Prompt #9 By: Katy Fedurek This week, I found a news story that demonstrates the importance of the social work field and here is the link. In 2016 alone, there were around 59,000 opioid-related deaths. This problem affects more than just the addicts; the children of the addicts are impacted in a large way. Many of these children are put into foster care programs or handed off to other family members creating an unstable environment. These kids do not ask for these problems and are forced into handling tough situations at such a young age. The foster care system has many  flaws  within it. Over 56,000 children live in group settings and there is more success when these kids are placed in family settings. Another issue is that there is not enough focus on getting families back together and children's needs are not always met. so...

Different Fields of Social Work

By: NaKara Neely Today, I will be sharing with you some of the different fields of social work.There are many different fields, but today I will talk about three, which are Geriatric, School, and Youth Services social work. Geriatric Social Work  Help the elderly and their families with their needs and their needs will get paid for  Help them fill out paperwork  Serve as discharge planners, making sure everything is set when the elderly patients are let out of the hospital  Give therapy to the elderly who experience depression or anxiety Assist older adults who are active and those who have taken the parental role again     School Social Work  Participate in special education and individual educational planning meetings  Help children who are having problems at home that affect their well-being Counsels students Exposing the child and family to m...

Founding Father of Modern Policing: Sir Robert Peel

By Kendrick Tran Source: Sir Robert Peel, also known as the founding father of modern policing. On top of this, he was born into a wealthy cotton family that even secured his seat in parliament. Today we will have a brief overview of what this modern policing means to our current judicial system today and the implications of it.  The modern police force at the time was known as the Metropolitan Police but also had alternative names such as "Bobbies" and "Peelers" which are derived from his own name. The Metropolitan Police force was created in London by the Metropolitan Police Act (1829) which established his ability to do so. Following this, it replaced the formerly disorganized public governing system of constables and watchmen. This is significant because back then, having a police force was still a relatively new concept and people that watched over the general citizen made people ...

Social Work and Criminal Justice: working together

By NaKara Neely             In the field of social work, there are numerous of different types of social work that you can choose to work for. One type of social work is criminal justice. In America, state and federal prisoners have continued to rise by a substantial amount. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2005 two thirds of prisoners in 30 states were arrested in less than three years and three quarters within five years. This large number of growing incarcerated people need programs to help break this chain so that there can be a decreased amount of people being put into prison. These programs are provided by social workers. Here is a list of specific tasks that  social workers do within the courts: ·        Analyzes and testifies as witnesses in domestic violence and in child and elder abuse ·       Helps courts with child custo...

Social Work with Native Americans

Social Work with Native Americans By: Katy Fedurek One of the most vulnerable populations today is Native Americans. In the United States, there are 562 tribes that are federally recognized. These tribes must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for services given by the government. One key issue with this population is sovereignty. There are 322 Indian reservations in the United States and this land within the country is sovereign territory. Because of this, Native Americans are not a minority, they are a separate category. The federal government wanted to buy land that belonged to the Indian nations so treaties were made where large parts of the land were given in exchange for protection over resources and their land, education, and healthcare. In 1924, the Citizenship Act granted US citizenship to all Native Americans. Native American student after arriving at a boarding school. source:

Criminal Justice Ethics: A Look on Delivery and Style (Prompt #4)

By Kendrick Tran Source: In the world of modern technology, there are many ways to disperse information quickly. Newspaper, news outlets were the number one source of information during the 20th century, however, as time passed and new ways were developed, the internet has become one of the greatest resources of information that we have right now. Newspaper itself is becoming more and more obsolete in favor of easy to digest articles which are prevalent on the internet. With this said, some easy to digest articles may not be the most reliable of information, either lacking in substance or favoring embellished titles such as "WHITE POLICE OFFICER SEEN SHOOTING A BLACK MAN". These attention grabbing titles help to rile up the general population and encourages a side to be taken. However, in scholarly articles, they take a more professional and neutral stance on the topic and provide facts with anal...

Restorative Justice: Should it be Allowed?

By Kendrick Tran Source: Restorative justice, what exactly is this new up and coming tool in modern victimology and criminology? This interested me because I had read an article describing restorative justice as an alternative solution if all parties were willing to work things out. Since my interest was piqued, I decided to do a little research on what exactly this is and how it affects the field of criminal justice.  According to the Center for Justice & Reconciliation at Prison Fellowship International, the definition of restorative justice comes along the lines of a theory of justice that focuses on repairing the harm done by the crime and is accomplished by having all parties involved go through a cooperative process to sort things out. This theory of justice differentiates itself from traditional criminal justice in many ways. First, with this ...

Communication and Misconceptions in the field of Social Work (Prompt #3)

Communication and Misconceptions in the field of Social Work Prompt #3 By: Nakara Neely The person, I interviewed in the field of social work is a woman named Celica Whitley. Ms. Whitley works as a school social worker at a high-school named University Preparatory Academy. What you have to write down while being a social worker ·       In the field of social work, she writes down case notes and keeps records of what she and her client discussed. (Be careful of what you write down because you have to keep confidentiality as well) ·       As a school social worker, it is also her duty to write a quarterly progression of her clients. ·       She also has to create goals for her clients to help them succeed ·       Documents that allow her to keep in contact with families, so that they are up to date with the progression of their child, not only academically, ...