Police Officer Safety and Performance
By Kendrick Tran Officers of the law face many different obstacles in their careers as police officer and some of which do not seem obvious when thinking about police safety. Officers face a variety of different situations ranging from stressful to outright dangerous situations and this can produce a toll on not only the physical well-being of an officer, but their mental capabilities too. Some of the situations in particular are obvious, gun violence is always a possibility that can lead to permanent injury or even a death of a loved one. However, some dangers are subtle and hidden unless scrutinized closely. These dangers are mental stress, fatigue, and lack of training for a specific situation. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the dangers police officers face in their day to day lives protecting the peace. Source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/3b/7d/353b7def6d1e34fe8ce3ac77db272d73--motivation-poster-safety-posters.jpg The most obvious one of the bunch...